Steps and Procedures on how to get Canada Work Permit for foreign workers

Canada Work Permit

Many people would like to leave their home country for greener pastures. Some of them are puzzled with questions like: How do I get the needed information about a particular country? What kind of visa do I get? Although, these questions are pertinent, they do need to be streamlined to a particular country.

If Canada is your preferred destination, you are in the right blog post. Canada has made provisions for people to get Canadian work permits without hassle.

This  post highlights the step-by-step procedures to follow to get a Canada work permit. Also, this article shows the requirements one needs to access a Canadian work permit.

Procedure for Getting a Work Permit

Many applicants do not know the application process for getting a Canadian work permit. To this end, they fail to get a work permit visa. Below is the step-by-step procedure to be followed for you to get the visa.

Step 1: An employer applies for a Labour Market Impact Assessment

The first question that would pop into your mind is: What is the Labour Market Impact Assessment?

The Labour Market Impact Assessment is a test conducted to know the level of jobs that are available to foreign immigrants in the country. Yes, just like any test it comes with a result. When the Labour Market Impact Assessment comes back positive, you have the go-ahead to apply for the job and receive a Canada work permit. However, if the test comes out negative, it simply means that there are domestic workers in Canada who can do the work instead of bringing a foreign person.

Employers in this regard, are encouraged to obtain the Labour Market Impact Assessment from the Employment and Social Development in Canada (ESDC) office. If it is positive or neutral they can bring in a foreign person to do the job.

This test is usually held to certify that your service would not impact the workers or labor market in Canada. However, in rare cases, this test may be exempted. In a broader scope, there are two types of work permits: one that requires a test and another that does not require one.

Step 2: Employer would extend the job offer:

After you have received the positive Labour Market Impact Assessment results from the Employment Social Development in Canada (ESDC) office, you have to take the result to another office. This result must be submitted along with the work description of the Foreign worker. This Foreign worker would also need this document too on order to apply for his work permit.

Step 3: Foreign Worker Applies For Work Permit :

The next step is to allow the proposed worker to apply for a Canada work permit. This is done after he has submitted the Labour Market Impact Assessment results and the work description highlighted in Step 2. The foreign worker must submit this document to the Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Also, depending on the country he resides, he may be required to collect a Temporary Resident Visa to live in Canada.

Step 4: A Canada Work Permit is Issued

This step requires the Canada Work Permit to be issued to the foreign worker. This is only when the worker has conducted the following steps highlighted in Steps 1 to 3. The office that would be issuing this permit is the Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA). Most work permits issued in Canada are always job-specific, therefore you can only work for a single employer. On the other hand, if the employer is not satisfied and funds a different job, he is required to apply for another job permit that carries the current employer’s job status.

Canada Work Permit Requirements

Of course, just like any nation, you must meet the requirements of the nation. There are different types of Canada Work Permits, therefore are different requirements for each of them. The different Canada work permit visa includes

1. Business Visa

2. Temporary Visa

3. Permanent Visa

Canada Work Permit Requirements for Business Visa

For business visas, Canada has some specifications. For business visas, countries that fall under the United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) have free access to the country to continue their business operations. Other countries that are not under the USMCA umbrella would likely follow the instructions above to get their Canada Work Permit.

Canada Work Permit Requirements for Temporary Visa

Unlike the Business Visa, the Canada work permit for temporary visas has requirements. The requirements are not far-fetched. The instructions and eligibility of the Temporary Visa is that it guides business owners in Canada and Foreign workers to be in check. Here are the requirements:

1.  Foreign workers must work for a specific employer.

2. When your work permit lapses, you will leave Canada.

3. Foreign workers must bring identifiable documents to Canada.

4. Foreign workers must possess a police clearance certificate.

5. Foreign workers must be healthy.

Canada Work Permit Requirements for Permanent Visa

For the permanent Visa requirements, you would need to be very skilled and you would need to go through the Express Entry System.

What is the Express Entry System? Express Entry System is a system the Canadian immigration use to manage immigration application from skilled foreign workers. If you pass the test you will be granted the Visa. However, here are the requirements for a Canada Work Permit for Permanent Visa

1. Language Proficiency Results.

2. Travel Credentials

3. Education Credentials Assessment

4. Job offer from a Canadian Employer

5. Police clearance

6. Medical Examination Result


This article has extensively discussed the procedures to be followed to obtain a Canada work permit. It has also highlighted the requirements to be followed to get a work permit visa.

However, to live permanently in Canada, there is some paperwork you would need to fill in to reside there. Considering the weather conditions, you would need to take along with you some health precautions.

As stated in the article, if you change employer your current Canada work permit would not be valid. You would need to apply for a new one. This also applies when your work permit expires.


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