Link To Apply For National MSME Awards 2024
FG announcing the Portal Opening For the submission of the National MSME Awards 2024. Interested business owners should check out the requirements for the submission of entries for the awards below.
The National MSME awards are an annual and week-long activity that is tailored to honour outstanding indigenous MSMEs. The week-long activity captures the international MSME week, an Expanded National MSME Clinic, business exhibition/plenary session, as well as a gala/award night to encourage MSMEs across the country.
The MSME awards began in August 2018 and Subsequently in June the following years. So far, there have been five award ceremonies with over 40 verifiable winners. In the past years, winners in the different categories have gone home with various prizes that have impacted their businesses and profiles—cash prizes, cars, and, of course, local and international media attention.
The reward for the awards has also increased from an initial 1-star prize, which was a car in 2018 for the MSME of the Year winner, to 10 cars in all categories. This is to underscore the significant relationship that has been established between the private sector and the Federal Government over the years.
Awards Categories:
Creative Art, Fashion and Style, Tech and Innovation, Content Creation, Manufacturing, FIRS Tac Complaint, Woodworks, Beauty, wellness and cosmetics.
How to apply:
Business owners in the listed categories above should apply via https://msmeclinics.gov.ng/award-apply
Application Requirements:
1. Full name
2. Business Name
3. Sex (Male and Female)
4. A Two-minute business overview video
5. The following legal requirements:
a. Compulsory: Active CAC Registration.
b. Other Relevant Certificates: e.g. Tax Clearance Certificate, NAFDAC, SMEDAN, SON, NEPC, ITF Certification, ISO Certification, etc.