WAEC List: 14 Forms Of Exams Malpractice You Never Knew
The West African Examination Council (WAEC), via its Twitter handle, shared a list of some forms of Exams malpractice that you never knew existed.
Examination malpractice refers to any dishonest or fraudulent behavior by a student during an exam to gain an unfair advantage. It undermines the integrity of the assessment process and can have serious consequences for both students and educational institutions.
Some Forms Of Examination Malpractice You Never Knew About, listed by WAEC:
1. Giraffing
2. Use of unsigned answer booklet
3. Copying from each other or one another
4. Smuggling of cribs, notes, textbooks and prepared materials into the Examination Hall
5. Bringing in electronic devices such as mobile phones, smart wrist-watches, unauthorized calculators, etc.
6. Writing notes, enclosing cash in scripts, and seeking assistance of examiners
7. Submission of more than one worked script
8. Having inscriptions relating to the exam on the body
9. Multiple handwritings found in worked script
10. Insult/assault of examination officials
11: Starting the examination before the scheduled time or writing after examination has ended
12. Impersonation
13. Writing outside the examination hall
14. Writing with pencil All these could lead to withholding or cancellation of results